Two days away from work, doing family things has given me time to think, and has allowed the Universe to do its thing and send me things to think about. And the message from the universe is, in a nutshell, "Think Big and Ask for What You Want".
Firstly, there was a conversation in the car with my lovely daughter (here's a photo of her so you can see how utterly gorgeous she is as well as brilliant) while I was driving her back to Uni. She is firmly of the opinion that I should be contacting the national media about Colourful Coaching, and offering them the opportunity to get in at the ground floor by supporting me as I build the business. This is a novel thought, as I had thought of approaching the media and then shied away, thinking that they wouldn't be interested in little old me. She's quite fierce when roused, is my girl (chip off the old block, some might say....) and she was adamant that I should think like a man and ask for what I want. As she says, the worst that can happen is that they'll say no, and I won't be any worse off than I am now.
This coincided with a tweet from the amazing and inspiring Deborah Stewart. She had retweeted someone else's tweet (are you still with me?) that said "Ask ask ask ask. Your success depends on your willingness to ASK".
And then, while browsing in a charity bookshop yesterday, I came across a fabulous little book called "Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite" by Paul Arden, which is all about how, if you think differently about things, you're going to get a different and probably better result than you would if you carried on thinking about things the same way everyone else does.
Hmmm, I'm thinking. Hmmm....someone's trying to tell me something.
And then I thought of Damian Hughes...if you don't know about him, do look him up, he's one of the people that inspired me to go it alone and he's also a shining example of someone who decided what he wanted and then didn't stop asking for it until he got it.
So what effect has all this had? Well, today I have emailed the following people to ask them for a quote on the importance of living an authentic life and showing the world your True Colours:
- Damian Hughes
- Zandra Rhodes
- Chris Evans
Onwards and Upwards!!
Quick update - since I wrote the first bit, I've also contacted 2 major magazines and offered myself as a contributor. Watch this space....
Cathy, you are a bright light...on a mission. Your mission to equip people to live a colourful and authentic life will propel you forward and keep you strong on your path. Even when you are afraid. Even when you doubt yourself. Because YOU my friend, are a brilliant, phenomenal, colourful expression of life. And what you (and only you) can offer ...is needed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the generous mention. It's humbling to be in such great company.
Keep thinking big, and keep asking!!
p.s. Your daughter is stunning ..and smart. Good genes, good strong role model in her life, good head on her shoulders. What else could she need. How proud you must be.
I used to run a theatre company, and one time we sent out loads of letters asking for sketches for fundraising. Amazing how many we got back... I think the key is to pick people with a genuine, strong connection to your project. Write nice letters through official channels, and don't be offended if you get letters/phonecalls back from agents rather than directly.
ReplyDeleteAnd... in the spirit of asking... me? ;) You never know, I might be a Proper Author by the time you have a whole book full of quotes!
Thank you ladies for your support and your ideas. I would be honoured if either or both of you would be prepared to supply me with a quote for my book - and the same goes for anyone else reading this - Rachel has made me wonder whether we spend too much time trying to find out what famous people think, and not enough time finding out what those who have yet to become famous think!