Thursday, 7 January 2010

On Having A Room Of One's Own

For the first time in 20 years, I have a room of my own. One of the reasons we chose this house was because it had a room that I could turn into my office. For a while when we first moved in it was the cats' bedroom but now they have the right to roam and I have reclaimed my space - and it's wonderful.

When I was doing my coach training I had a session with a wonderful chap called Euan Cowie
Euan led me through a visualisation session which helped me to cristalise thoughts I'd had in an earlier session with the equally wonderful Anny Alipranti, where we'd been describing our optimal coaching state to each other.

With Euan's help, I was able to bring to life my earlier thoughts so that my optimal state became a "real" place to go to when coaching or preparing to coach. And now, with help from my family - most notably my lovely son, who did a glorious job with the painting - my "real" place has become a real place!

When I go into my office and close the door, it's like being in another world - no mean feat when the house is full of teenagers! I have my special things around me - pictures that mean something to me, carefully chosen furniture and furnishings, cards from well wishers and all my training and coaching materials. And when I sit down and let my inner eye take over, I reconnect with the deep sense of peace and joy I felt during those sessions with Euan and Anny, and I know that I'm in my optimal state both inside and outside.

Sometimes it can be hard to find peace in the middle of the busy lives we lead, and I know how difficult it can be when you've got a family to find a place of stillness, let alone one that you can call your own. But if you can find it, or you're lucky enough to have already found it, make sure you cherish it. I've waited a long time for mine, and I feel exceptionally blessed to have it at last.

Now it's time to head off into whatever adventures today has in store - onwards and upwards!

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