Tuesday, 5 January 2010

On Enthusiasm

Yesterday was the first proper day of work for most of the country, myself included. But it wasn't like it's always been before for me. I saw lots of my friends having to steel themselves to get up early and go reluctantly into work (I hope the 9am meet up for coffee and moral support at Ritazza went well, oh Shiny Dudes!) and I waved my own lovely husband off as het set out into the freezing fog with an air of resolve and reluctance about him.

And me? I was tucked up in the warm with a hot water bottle, a cup of tea and my trusty laptop, eager to crack on and full of ideas. It really is true that it doesn't feel like work if you enjoy it. And I'd go further than that and say that, now that I'm in charge of my own destiny, I have an energy and a work ethic I haven't experienced for a VERY long time.

So what did I do with it all yesterday? Well, I sent out a mailshot to 40 local companies, all fellow members of Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce, offering them a free coaching session - in this business it's all about reputation, and no-one's going to hire me in preference to anyone else unless they've seen me in action and think that I can do a better job than their current supplier. I read somewhere that you generally only get a 1 in 10 return rate from this kind of marketing so I'm hoping for a maximum of 4 new clients as a result.

I needed to bank my FIRST EVER CHEQUE FROM A CLIENT (woohoo!!) and buy some printer labels so I decided at lunchtime to walk to the Bath Road - it was such an utterly beautiful day! I grew up round here so I decided to try out the old back ways and footpaths that I used to use when I was a nipper. I ended up taking 2.5 hours to get there and back and complete my transactions but it was wonderful - I explored bits of Hatherley/Warden Hill/Tivoli etc that I haven't seen for years, I found a whole new housing estate that I never knew existed (and was able to say to someone "the last time I used this footpath it was all fields round here!"). I met some lovely dogs and their charming owners and, best of all, I was able to bask in the glorious sunlight rather than being cooped up inside with no idea of what the weather was doing.

I then spent far too long doing battle with my printer but we finally reached an understanding and I showed it who's boss. Note to self: must buy some more paper to make up for all the sheets that got wasted yesterday, and next time buy standard sized labels. Ho Hum.

I had an email saying that I've had another article published on ezine - this one's about how Evil Leaders can lower staff morale very easily by following advice from the Institute of Evil Leadership (I have appointed myself spokeswoman for the Institute...). You can read the article here http://is.gd/5MCYV

And then, to round of a splendid day's work, I heard that 2 of the 3 potential coaching clients that I visited just before Christmas have selected me to be their coach. Much delighted whooping ensued and I allowed myself another cup of tea and a slice of cake to celebrate. I'm going down to Surrey to meet up with them on Friday so that we can crack on.

As for today, I shall be concentrating on raising awareness of my New Year, New You workshops: the evening classes are due to start next week and so far I don't have any takers, so my target is to have at least 4 people signed up by the end of tomorrow - there are only 12 places available so if you're reading this and you're in Cheltenham and you're at all interested, please have a look here http://is.gd/5MCPv and book yourself a place. And if it's not for you, then please forward the details on to any friends you think might like it.

OK, that's the first thing on today's to do list done, onwards and upwards!

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