Thursday, 3 December 2009

Proof That Coaching Works!

On the back of yesterday's post (thanks for the comments, folks, it's nice to know I'm not talking to myself!) I spent yesterday evening designing some posters, and this morning I spent a merry couple of hours wandering around Cheltenham asking people to display them for me. So if you happen to be out for a drink or a coffee or some posh clothes in Montpellier or the Suffolks over the weekend, look out for me smiling down at you from the wall.

I was delighted with how ready people were to take my posters, and how encouraging and interested they were when I told them what I was doing - and I'm amazed at how differently I'm thinking about this kind of stuff now that I've given myself a good talking to.
It's too soon to know if this will lead me to any clients, but I still have a list of other places to take my posters so that there will be a fair spread of them around the place - if anyone reading this is a member of a club or society or church that has a notice board and could put a poster up for me, please get in touch!


  1. I can think of one big building with noticeboards... but I take it you have that covered...?

  2. Have you thought of virtual coaching via MSN or such like - your self-coaching blog post made me think about this as an interesting way of reaching out to people
