Thursday, 10 December 2009

On Abundance

I've had a perfectly lovely day today. It started (as my days always do, cos I'm extremely lucky) with breakfast brought to me in bed and a whiskerykiss from my lovely husband as he tiptoed out at an ungodly hour to go to work. He is a deeply splendid chap and I love him to bits.

It got even better when I checked my emails and found that I'd had an article (Are You Showing The World Your True Colours?) published by e-zine. This was my first attempt so I'm really thrilled - my second one is awaiting approval and I have a couple of others in the pipeline.

Then I set off for Surrey for some chemistry meetings with prospective clients. It feels like this appointment has been in the diary for ever so I was glad to be on my way at last.

And it was such a beautiful day! As I drove across England I was struck by the beauty of the landscape and how lucky I am to live in the middle of it. And all of that beauty was only enhanced by the sunshine pouring through the windows.

I love driving and I love my little car, and I particularly love to sing while I'm driving, so I accompanied Radio 2 and then gave full voice to the soundtrack from Les Miserables - singing is such a glorious release, particularly when done at the top of ones voice!

I only got lost twice (ahem...please Santa, can I have a TomTom?) and once I'd got there the clients were welcoming and rather lovely - and very excited because Father Christmas was coming to see them at 4:30! I also got to catch up with my friends Anny and Zoe, who I haven't seen since July, and that was really rather special - they're both such good coaches and such glamorous women as well!

And then homewards, listening to the magnificent Chris Evans and picking my equally magnificent (in a different way) daughter Franki up on the way. We had a spirited conversation about Books for Grown Up Boys, Democracy in Costa Rica, and what one would wear to a Politics, Philosophy and Economics Themed Party (I suggested she should cover herself in balloons and get over-excited, and then she could go as hyper-inflation).

And then fish and chips for tea courtesy of my lovely son Joe, as a thank you for giving him a lift home, and now my lovely furry husband has come home bearing mistletoe and more whiskerykisses, and is going to make me some hot milk to go to bed with.

Truly, a life of abundance. I am very, very blessed. And now I'm going to bed!

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