Wednesday, 30 December 2009

On Coming Back to Life

Well, Christmas is over and with it my promise to myself to stay away from the web and all of its delights. We've feasted and made merry with our nearest and dearest and now life is almost back to normal again.

I say almost but of course the Christmas Tree is still up, we're still working our way through the leftovers and my lovely husband has the rest of the week off work so he's currently tucked up with a good book, a mug of tea and a very warm cat.

I have been a very good boss and insisted to myself that I have a nice long break over Christmas, so as to ensure that my loins are ready to be properly girded for 2010. Because tomorrow, I get my last ever pay cheque from HMG, and after that I'm really and truly on my own.

And that's a thought that concentrates the mind somewhat! So this morning I've been updating my website in readiness for the launch of some new workshops for January, and this afternoon I'll be honing some press releases for local papers.

I'm looking on this as a toe in the water: I won't be back full time till Monday as we still have a number of social activities planned over the next couple of days, but I find that I've been champing at the bit to start work again over the past couple of days, which is certainly NOT a feeling I've experienced at this time of year before!

So it's onwards and upwards for me, and, I hope, for you too.

Monday, 14 December 2009

On Being Reborn In Islington

It's 12:49 on Sunday night and I'm so tired I can't sleep. On Friday I went to a Trainer's ThinkTank session in Bristol organised by the marvellous Lee Cottier, which left me buzzing with new connections and loads of new ideas for things I could do to clarify what I'm about and how I want to focus my efforts to ensure that I get the right kind of work for me, and that I don't have to wait too long for it!

This was the only the 2nd ThinkTank that Lee has organised but it has the well-oiled feel of something that's been going for ages and I felt very lucky to be a part of it. It's amazing how my horizons have been expanding: not so long ago I couldn't imagine not being part of the community of my old workplace, and I imagined the world outside to be hostile and scary. Not a bit of it! Everywhere I go, people are warm and welcoming, willing to share their experiences and lend a supporting hand, and very encouraging when I tell them what I'm doing. It feels so refreshing after what my experience at work came to be like, I keep having to pinch myself!

On Saturday, my lovely husband and I spent 8.5 hours on a coach to and from London so that we could go to the Coaching Development Christmas Party in Islington, which was the first time I'd been back to the place where I did my coaching qualification course since it finished in July. We were both shattered because one of the cats had been playing up all night so we'd not had much sleep, but we decided not to take the easy option and stay at home.

And I'm so glad! Despite feeling like the undead on the Tube, once we came up out of the Angel station, and I was surrounded by Islington in all its glory, I suddenly got the most amazing rush of exhilaration, and it lasted me until we got back on the coach 2.5 hours later.

My life changed in Islington. I remember being afraid before I went on the coaching course, because I knew that I would change as a result of it, and I was worried about the impact it would have on me and those around me. I was assuming that the changes would make me dissatisfied with my lot and they did, but not in the way I feared. I think my marriage and my relationship with my children has become stronger as a result of the course, and my relationship with myself and what I want from life has altered out of all recognition.

I now associate Islington with a kind of re-birth. For many of us, the course was something of a spiritual journey, not necessarily in that we found God (well I didn't, I can't speak for anyone else) rather in that we found ourselves and realised our true purpose. I remember being witness so some astonishingly transformative moments as my colleagues got in touch with their innermost fears and desires, and I particularly remember spending one lunchtime sitting alone in glorious sunshine, revelling in just being, and realising that I had finally come to a place of peace and stillness within myself. That lunchtime had a profound effect on me, and the memory is now a touchstone for me when things start to get a bit hectic. The feeling of inner peace has never really left me since then and I suspect it never will.

To be back in that special place, then, and with my special person, was a bit like having all my Christmasses and Birthdays come at once. And on top of that, we went back into the building where it all happened and there were Phil and Colin, my gurus, and lots of lovely chums from my course, all delighting in seeing each other and catching up with the news. It was like I'd never been away and I came away floating on a cloud of love and affection which is still making me smile.

And on top of that, I found when I checked my emails on the way home that I'd had a 2nd article published on ezine - these articles are, for me, part of the concrete proof that my life has taken a radical change of direction. It;s not something that i would ever dreamed of doing in my old life, but suddenly my mind is alive with ideas and possibilities - to the extent that tonight, right before I started writing this blog, I uploaded the first 5 chapters of a children's story to the authonomy website. If you want to have a read, you can find it here. It's called the Blibble and I started writing it 15 years ago, never really thinking it would see the light of day despite the children urging me to finish it over the years.

But now I'm a new version of me, and there are all sort of new possibilities in my life - and why shouldn't I write a book? I'd love to know what you think, and if you have children I'd really love to know what they think - and if enough people want to know what happens next, I shall oblige.

Life is full of possibilities. It can also be full of fears, and I have spent too many years being held in one place by mine. But now I have grasped the nettle, and I don't intend to let go of it.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

On Abundance

I've had a perfectly lovely day today. It started (as my days always do, cos I'm extremely lucky) with breakfast brought to me in bed and a whiskerykiss from my lovely husband as he tiptoed out at an ungodly hour to go to work. He is a deeply splendid chap and I love him to bits.

It got even better when I checked my emails and found that I'd had an article (Are You Showing The World Your True Colours?) published by e-zine. This was my first attempt so I'm really thrilled - my second one is awaiting approval and I have a couple of others in the pipeline.

Then I set off for Surrey for some chemistry meetings with prospective clients. It feels like this appointment has been in the diary for ever so I was glad to be on my way at last.

And it was such a beautiful day! As I drove across England I was struck by the beauty of the landscape and how lucky I am to live in the middle of it. And all of that beauty was only enhanced by the sunshine pouring through the windows.

I love driving and I love my little car, and I particularly love to sing while I'm driving, so I accompanied Radio 2 and then gave full voice to the soundtrack from Les Miserables - singing is such a glorious release, particularly when done at the top of ones voice!

I only got lost twice (ahem...please Santa, can I have a TomTom?) and once I'd got there the clients were welcoming and rather lovely - and very excited because Father Christmas was coming to see them at 4:30! I also got to catch up with my friends Anny and Zoe, who I haven't seen since July, and that was really rather special - they're both such good coaches and such glamorous women as well!

And then homewards, listening to the magnificent Chris Evans and picking my equally magnificent (in a different way) daughter Franki up on the way. We had a spirited conversation about Books for Grown Up Boys, Democracy in Costa Rica, and what one would wear to a Politics, Philosophy and Economics Themed Party (I suggested she should cover herself in balloons and get over-excited, and then she could go as hyper-inflation).

And then fish and chips for tea courtesy of my lovely son Joe, as a thank you for giving him a lift home, and now my lovely furry husband has come home bearing mistletoe and more whiskerykisses, and is going to make me some hot milk to go to bed with.

Truly, a life of abundance. I am very, very blessed. And now I'm going to bed!

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

On Secular Spirituality

Today I am feeling prolific. I woke up with a head full of ideas and an urge to cook, so by 9:30 the steak and kidney part of the pie was casseroling quietly away to itself, the dishwasher was on and I'd managed to link up my Twitter and Facebook accounts without swearing. Since then I've prepared for some client chemistry meetings on Thursday, registered my business with Google Local, written half an article for an online magazine, cleaned the kitchen AND rediscovered the delights of KT Tunstall's first album, Eye to the Telescope, which I haven't had the chance to listen to for years now!

I have to say, this working from home lark is much easier and more fulfilling when you're working on your own stuff, rather than taking stuff home to do from the office. Suddenly there are no more rules about what I should be doing or when, which makes it all much more exciting and interesting. Let's hope it stays that way!

Right, time for another cup of tea, a chat with my lovely husband so he doesn't feel lonely at work, and then I shall finish and submit my article before going for a swim. Happy days!

Monday, 7 December 2009

On Serendipity

Having blogged about my difficulties with marketing, the end of last week saw me attend 2 events that I found really helpful in that regard - proof, to my mind, of the universe conspiring to help me.

On Thursday I went to the monthly meeting of the Gloucestershire Coaches Network. This is a really friendly group, run under the auspices of the CIPD but open to anyone. This month's talk was a presentation by Sharon Gaskin, founder of The Trainers Training Company. Sharon spent an incredibly useful 90 minutes telling us what she'd learnt about how to market a new business effectively - telling us about the mistakes she'd made when she first went into business and giving us her top tips for what to do to build a new business as quickly as possible without wasting time and money. I found Sharon inspirational, and a thoroughly nice person to boot, and I've already started putting some of her ideas into practice.

Then on Friday I spent the day at the Leadership Trust on their annual tutor's day. This is an opportunity for all of their associate tutors, who may not meet up with each other from one year to the next, to get together and do some learning/bonding/generally have a good time together.

Not only did I meet up with an old friend that I haven't seen for 18 years (hello Jean-Luc) and make friends with an adorable 6-week old chap called Iggy (and am alarmed to note that there are still some broody thoughts swirling round my head!!) but I also met a chap called Michael Downey, who has grown his training business Life Changing Activities purely through the use of Search Engine Optimisation, so that from a standing start a few months ago he now has some blue chip clients that have come to him purely through the web.

I'm sure meeting both Sharon and Michael will be of huge benefit to me, and that I bet them both for a reason. I have a real passion for what I'm doing and I am confident that I will succeed, witha little help from my friends...

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Proof That Coaching Works!

On the back of yesterday's post (thanks for the comments, folks, it's nice to know I'm not talking to myself!) I spent yesterday evening designing some posters, and this morning I spent a merry couple of hours wandering around Cheltenham asking people to display them for me. So if you happen to be out for a drink or a coffee or some posh clothes in Montpellier or the Suffolks over the weekend, look out for me smiling down at you from the wall.

I was delighted with how ready people were to take my posters, and how encouraging and interested they were when I told them what I was doing - and I'm amazed at how differently I'm thinking about this kind of stuff now that I've given myself a good talking to.
It's too soon to know if this will lead me to any clients, but I still have a list of other places to take my posters so that there will be a fair spread of them around the place - if anyone reading this is a member of a club or society or church that has a notice board and could put a poster up for me, please get in touch!